Noise, one of India’s leading smartwatch makers has announced a new smartwatch in the Ultra series. The company has launched the Noise Colorfit Ultra 3 as the successor to the Noise Colorfit Ultra 2 from last year. The latest generation smartwatch comes with a large AMOLED display compared to the last iteration and comes with more improved features as well.
The Noise Colorfit Ultra 3 is priced under Rs 5,000 and will be available for purchase via Amazon starting next week in India. Let us take a look at the new Noise Smarwatch’s features, specifications, price, and availability details.
Noise Colorfit Ultra 3: Price in India and Availability
The Noise Colorfit Ultra 3 is priced at Rs 4,499 and will come in multiple colour options and strap options. It will go on sale from May 2 at 12 noon via Amazon.
Noise Colorfit Ultra 3: Features and Specifications
Starting off with the screen, the Noise Colorfit Ultra 3 sports a large 1.96-inch AMOLED display, which comes with 10% more viewing area compared to the last gen. It also comes with Always on Display and the company has added four Always on Display watch faces along with 150+ watch faces.
In terms of design and build, the Colorfit Ultra 3 comes with a metallic finish and a functional crown that helps navigate across apps and menus. In terms of strap options, the watch is available in Jet Black and Glossy Silver metal strap options and Classic Dark Brown, Classic Black, and Classic Tan Brown leather strap options.
Further, the budget smartwatch from Noise supports Bluetooth calling powered by Tru Sync. This Tru Sync technology offers an easier paring process, stable connectivity, and a longer calling range. As for the health features, there is Noise health suite that comes with a 24×7 heart rate sensor, breathing exercise, female cycle tracker, SpO2 sensor to measure Blood-Oxygen level, stress measurement sensor, and sleep tracker.
The watch supports 100 sports moded and some modes like running, walking, and indoor running will be auto-tracked as well. Regarding battery life, the Noise Colorfit Ultra 3 is rated to last up to 7 days on a single charge. However, with the BT calling feature enabled, the battery life will drop to 2 days.
Other features include weather updates, stock updates, a calculator, music control, reminders, and gesture control 一 double tap to turn the screen on and cover the screen to turn it off.