The suspenseful action thriller Hunt, starring Nitro Star Sudheer Babu, debuted in theatres on January 26. During the pre-release events, Sudheer Babu asserted that the movie was the first of its kind to be produced in Telugu. And now, on February 10, 2023, the eagerly anticipated film Hunt, a cop drama, is scheduled to make its OTT premiere on the streaming service Amazon Prime Video. There has been no formal notification from the creators or the digital streaming provider. But there is already a lot of excitement among the fans about the movie’s OTT release.
Get ready for the action-packed #HuntTheMovie thriller movie releasing on Feb 10 on aha.#HuntTheMovieOnAHA Premieres Feb 10@isudheerbabu @_apsara_rani @actorsrikanth @bharathhere @Imaheshh #Anandaprasad @BhavyaCreations @GhibranOfficial @anneravi @adityamusic
— ahavideoin (@ahavideoIN) February 9, 2023
Just two weeks after its theatrical release, Amazon Prime Video will begin streaming Hunt. For the early OTT distribution, the streaming service is reportedly paying the producers a much heftier check. As per the reports, the OTT platform will stream the movie in Telugu only from the mentioned date.
Arjun (Sudheer Babu), Mohan Bhargav (Srikanth), and Aryan Dev (Bharat) are good buddies who work as police officers. Arjun and his friends carry out several operations in locations like Kashmir as part of their job. Aryan Dev is assassinated just as things were looking up for him. Arjun has been tasked with looking into the murder of Aryan. Arjun meets with a car accident and loses memory of the past after discovering who killed Aryan Dev.
How did Arjun, who had forgotten his history, accomplish the case investigation? How was the murder of Aryan Dev investigated? What led to the murder of Aryan Dev? What was the plot that led to Aryan Dev’s demise? What information did Arjun learn while looking into the case? Does Arjun eventually grow up and put his past behind him? The narrative of the movie Hunt provides the answers to these queries.
The movie “Mumbai Police,” which was originally released in Malayalam 10 years ago, served as inspiration for this one. But there was no mention of this movie being a remake of something else. However, it was evident from the promo, and netizens identified it as a remake of the Mumbai Police.
On January 26, 2023, Mahesh Surapaneni’s film, which stars Srikanth and Bharat Niwas in significant roles, was released in theatres. With the support of V Ananda Prasad of Bhavya Creations, Hunt has a stellar ensemble that includes Kabir Duhan Singh, Mime Gopi, and other actors in key roles. Ghibran provided the soundtrack, and Arul Vincent served as the cameraman.
Sudheer Babu’s latest film, Hunt, completely crashed at the box office and collected a little more than a crore. The film was made under a budget of Rs.14 crores but its collection can be estimated at approximately Rs. 1.93 crores since its release. The film was released recently with massive expectations, but it did not meet the hopes of Sudheer Babu. This film was released over the long weekend on the occasion of Republic Day, but still, it was unable to catch the attention of the audience.