WhatsApp groups are very convenient for having conversations with friends and family. Over the past few months, WhatsApp has added multiple new additions to many more interesting things such as up to 2GB of file sharing, admin control, group calls, disappearing messages, and more. Among these features, the ability to reply privately to someone who sent a message in a group is also a handy feature that’s useful in many situations.
The private reply feature might come in handy when you want to chat with the person who sent a message in a group and you would like to continue the conversation privately and not create more messages in the group, which might be unwanted for most folks in the group. In this guide, we will take a look at how one individual can reply privately to someone who sent a message in a group. This feature is available on Android, iOS, and also on WhatsApp Web/Desktop app. We will take a look at how one can do the same step by step.
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How to Reply to Private Messages on WhatsApp on Phone?
- Open WhatsApp on your phone (Android/iOS)
- Open a group chat
- Tap and hold the message to which you’d like to replay privately
- Tap on the menu button on the top right (three dots)
- Select “Reply privately”
- The message you selected will automatically be quoted on the personal chat
- Type the message in the new private chat screen and send it
How to Reply to Private Messages on WhatsApp on WhatsApp Web?
- Open WhatsApp Web/Desktop app on your computer
- Open a group chat
- Click on the top right of a message/media (down arrow)
- Select “Reply privately”
- The message you selected will automatically be quoted on the personal chat
- Type the message in the new private chat screen and send it
You can privately reply to messages 一 text or media like a message or a video as well. As you can see from the screenshot, the private message quotes the message from the group and it adds a bit of context to the conversation.
Also Read: WhatsApp Tricks: How to Send a WhatsApp Message Without Saving a Mobile Number