Qualcomm India announced the “Snapdragon for India” event to be held on July 30th in New Delhi. The social media post on X indicates that the company plans “two historic announcements,” which could be related to AI and 5G.
Guess what’s coming? 👀
Hint: Next-level connectivity and performance, engineered for you.
Stay tuned! 🌟 #Snapdragon pic.twitter.com/vuYhaLBc9y— Snapdragon India (@Snapdragon_IN) July 11, 2024
If you look closely at the poster, you can see the logos of a laptop with AI, which could relate to Snapdragon X Elite PCs and something that reads 5G. Take a look:
Qualcomm recently launched the Snapdragon X Elite lineup of SoCs for laptops, which ships with Microsoft Copilot+ PCs.
While Microsoft launched its Surface lineup with this chipset yesterday, HP has opened pre-booking for Eliteboox Ultra and Omnibook X laptops in India. Dell, Lenovo, Asus, and others have also launched laptops with the Snapdragon X Elite chipset.
This event could be a formal introduction from Qualcomm about plans for the Snapdragon X Elite lineup of PC chipsets in India, as the poster prominently features AI with the laptop in the teaser image. We might see more laptops to be announced with Snapdragon X Elite chipsets at the event.
The other text on the teaser image reads 5G, which could mean we could see the launch of new 5G SoCs for smartphones, possibly in the budget segment.
No other information about the event has been revealed yet, but we could see more information being released as the event approaches later this month.