Apple has silently slashed the prices of iPhones in India. The discounts are as high as Rs 6,000 for the top-end iPhone 15 Pro Max. The iPhone 13 and iPhone 14 have also received some price cuts. Let’s look at the new iPhone prices in India.
iPhones Get Cheaper in India
The iPhone 15 Pro Max has got the biggest price cut of Rs 5,900. It is now available for Rs 1,54,000 on the Apple website. The iPhone 15 Pro has received a Rs 5,100 price cut and is available at a starting price of Rs 1,29,800. The iPhone 13, the iPhone 14, the iPhone 15, and the iPhone 15 Plus get nominal discounts of Rs 300 each. Check out the details below.
iPhone Model | Old Price | New Price |
iPhone 15 Pro Max | Rs 1,59,900 | Rs 1,54,000 |
iPhone 15 Pro | Rs 1,34,900 | Rs 1,29,800 |
iPhone 15 Plus | Rs 79,900 | Rs 79,600 |
iPhone 15 | Rs 89,900 | Rs 89,600 |
iPhone 14 Plus | Rs 79,900 | Rs 79,600 |
iPhone 14 | Rs 69,900 | Rs 69,600 |
iPhone 13 | Rs 59,900 | Rs 59,600 |
iPhone SE | Rs 49,900 | Rs 47,300 |
The new prices are currently visible on the official Apple website. However, the new prices have not been reflected on other e-commerce portals like Amazon and Flipkart.
For the first time in history, Apple has slashed the price of its Pro model iPhones. In the past, Apple discontinued the current-gen iPhone Pro models after the launch of newer Pro models but never reduced the launch prices.
It is possible that Apple introduced these price cuts due to the reduction in import duty on smartphones from 20% to 15% by the Indian Government. However, Apple has not revealed the exact reason for this or announced the new iPhone rates.
Nevertheless, it’s good news for buyers in India looking to purchase a new iPhone, as they can get one for cheaper. It is also worth noting that some iPhone models are available at even lower prices on Amazon and Flipkart due to ongoing sales. Hence, customers should compare the prices on all portals before buying to get the best deal.