Lava made a comeback earlier this year in India with the launch of the Z-series. The company launched a budget 4G smartphone with multiple storage configurations. Months after the comeback, the company has now entered the 5G smartphone segment in India with the launch of the Lava Agni 5G. The Agni 5G is a mid-range smartphone priced under Rs 20,000. It takes on the likes of the Realme 8 Pro 5G, Redmi Note 10 Pro series, Poco X3 Pro, iQOO Z3 5G, and other smartphones in India under Rs 20,000. Let’s take a look at the Lava Agni 5G price in India, specs and other details.
Lava Agni 5G price in India
Lava Agni 5G comes in a single storage configuration. The device has 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage, which is priced at Rs 19,999. As part of the launch offer, users who pre-book the device till November 17 on Lava E-store can get the device for Rs 17,999. Lava has launched the phone in a sole Blue colour. The device goes on sale starting November 18 via Flipkart, Amazon and Lava E-store.
Specifications and features
Lava Agni 5G is the company’s first 5G smartphone in India. It comes with a MediaTek Dimensity 810 SoC. The 5G processor is paired with up to 8GB of RAM and 128GB of internal storage. Users can expand the storage via a microSD card.
It packs a 5000 mAh battery with support for 30W fast charging. The device comes with a USB Type-C port at the bottom edge. The Agni 5G also has a 3.5mm headphone jack. On the back, there is a quad-camera setup inside the rectangular module. It has a 64MP primary camera sensor. The phone comes with a 5MP ultrawide and two 2MP sensors for depth and macro.
At the front, the hole-punch cutout at the top centre of the display houses a 16MP front camera. Lava’s first 5G smartphone in India comes with a 6.78-inch Full HD+ IPS LCD. The screen has support for a 90Hz refresh rate. It has a 91.7 percent screen-to-body ratio. The phone comes with a side-mounted fingerprint scanner and AI Face Unlock.
Connectivity options include 5G, 4G VoLTE, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, A-GPS, 3.5mm headphone jack, etc. What are your thoughts on the new Lava smartphone? Do let us know in the comments below.