Ever since the 5G launch in India at India Mobile Congress (IMC), smartphone brands and telecom operators have been working closely to enable 5G support for each device in India. OPPO is one such brand and it has announced that most of its devices are now standalone 5G network enabled. The company says it has been working closely with Reliance Jio to offer high speeds, superior reliability, and negligible latency for an immersive and true 5G experience to its consumers. Let’s check out how OPPO plans to support Jio 5G standalone (SA) network for its devices in the future.
Oppo Devices Are Now Enabled with Reliance Jio 5G Standalone (SA) network
OPPO shared that majority of its smartphones now support Jio 5G standalone (SA) network. The company has rolled out the software update for most of its 5G supporting devices, here’s the list.
- Oppo Reno 8
- Oppo Reno 8 Pro
- Oppo Reno 7
- Oppo F21 Pro 5G
- Oppo F19 Pro+
- Oppo K10
- Oppo A53s
Users having any of the above smartphones can use the 5G network whenever they get it. Going ahead, OPPO plans to launch its upcoming devices with support for Jio 5G standalone (SA) network.
Jio has been enabling 5G support for most smartphones in India. Till the 5G launch, it has expanded itself to eight cities – Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Varanasi, and Nathdwara.
Oppo states that there are a few reasons because of why it prioritised the Jio 5G standalone network for its devices.
- Jio’s standalone architecture of 5G
- Largest mix of 5G spectrum across 700 MHz, 3500 MHz and 26 GHz
- Carrier aggregation
Multiple smartphone brands have been rolling out Jio and Airtel 5G support for their smartphones via software updates. The OnePlus Nord CE 5G, Nord 5G, 10T and many other devices from OnePlus received a software update to support Jio 5G network.
Apple has also rolled out an iOS 16.2 update for beta users that allow them to use the 5G network on Jio and Airtel. If you want to know how to enable it, click here to know same. Samsung, Xiaomi, and Realme have already enabled Jio and Airtel 5G support for their devices in the country.