Micromax made a big comeback last year by launching the Micromax In Note 1 and the Micromax In 1b in the Indian market. The company at the time of launch promised that these two handsets will get software updates for 2 years and security updates for 3 years. Back in February during the second “Let’s Talk INdia Ke Liye Q&A video session”, Micromax founder Rahul Sharma also revealed that the Micromax In Note 1 will receive Android 11 update in April. And as promised, the company now has started the Android 11 early access program for the Micromax IN Note 1 users. Let’s check out ahead as such how you can enroll for the Micromax In Note 1 Android 11 program:
Here’s How You Enroll For Micromax In Note 1 Android 11 Early Access Program:
Micromax made the announcement of early access Android 11 program for the Micromax In Note 1 through its official forum earlier today. Micromax is choosing a more conventional way for early access Android 11 program, where the users are required to share the device’s IMEI number and the current software version to the forum admin via a direct message. This way the users who are selected for early Android 11 program access, will receive Android 11 update on their Micromax In Note 1 initially. Do note that the last date to apply for the early access program is 18th April 2021 (11:59 PM).