Motorola recently introduced the Moto G9 Plus smartphone in Brazil this year. The smartphone is a mid-range offering from the company that runs on Qualcomm Snapdragon 730G chipset. The phone also comes with 5,000mAh battery, quad-camera setup, Android 10, and more. The Moto G9 Plus is yet to hit the Indian shores. However, it seems that the brand is finally preparing to bring the latest smartphone to India. We have spotted the model number of the Moto G9 Plus on the Indian BIS certification website, hinting a possible launch in near future. Take a look at the BIS certification of the Moto G9 Plus smartphone and find out what it has in store for us.
Moto G9 Plus gets BIS certification, launch seems imminent
As you can see from the Indian BIS certification image, a Motorola smartphone with model numbers XT2083-7 and XT2087-3 has been recently certified. Although the certification does not mention that it is the Moto G9 Plus, the XT-2087 model number is meant for the Moto G9 Plus. This means that the smartphone might get launched soon in India.