OnePlus is all set to launch the OnePlus 10T 5G on August 3 in the Indian market. A leak in the past suggested that the OnePlus 10T will be the first OnePlus smartphone to come in a 16GB RAM variant. Also, the smartphone made an appearance on the Geekbench database with 16GB RAM. However, a recent leak claimed that OnePlus will not offer the OnePlus 10T 16GB RAM variant in the Indian market.
Ahead of the launch, OnePlus, via a teaser on the OnePlus 10T India launch microsite, has confirmed that the OnePlus 10T will come in 16GB RAM variant. Let us take a look at the teaser,
The latest teaser on the launch micro-site reveals that the OnePlus 10T will come in up to 16GB LPDDR5 RAM and up to 256GB UFS 3.1 storage variants. It appears that the 512GB storage variant of the device will not make it to the Indian market. To those unaware, the brand is launching the OnePlus Ace Pro on August 3 in China. The OnePlus Ace Pro is nothing but a rebranded OnePlus 10T and is said to come in up to 512GB storage options.