OnePlus is expected to launch a new flagship in the coming months – the OnePlus 10T 5G. As per tipster Max Jambor, the OnePlus 10T will be the only upcoming flagship from the brand to launch this year. Now, tipster Paras Guglani has leaked the colour options for the upcoming OnePlus flagship. As per the tipster, the OnePlus 10T will come in two colour options – Black and Green. Also, the handset is tipped to come in up to 12GB RAM configuration. Let us take a closer look at the information leaked regarding the upcoming OnePlus 10T 5G.
OnePlus 10T 5G Colour Options!
OnePlus has been sticking with the Green colour variant for its flagship smartphones for a while. Though, the brand has been experimenting with different shades of green. For those unaware, the brand launched the OnePlus 8T in an Aquamarine Green colour variant, the OnePlus 9 Pro in a Pine Green colour option, OnePlus 10 Pro in an Emerald Forst colour, and the OnePlus 10R in Forest Green colour.