The OnePlus 10T will be the next device from OnePlus under the OnePlus 10 series. The 10T is expected to launch in Inida soon. A few weeks back, the device’s India launch timeline and availability details were leaked now a new report claims a new launch date for the phone and the report also reveals RAM, storage, and colour options of the device.
According to Mobilestalk, the Oneplus 10T will be launched in India on August first week. The device was recently spotted on the Indian Website as well as on the 3C certification website, hinting at an imminent launch of the flagship phone.
OnePlus 10T India Launch Details Leaked
The OnePlus 10T, which will be called the OnePlus 10T 5G is tippled to launch in India on August 3rd. Moreover, the device is said to go on sale in the same week. However, it is still unclear if the device will also launch in the global markets on the same day. The company is yet to make any official announcement around the same. Like always, the upcoming OnePlus flagship phone will also be sold via Amazon.