OnePlus is expected to launch the OnePlus 10T smartphone in the coming months. The OnePlus 10T is said to be the company’s only flagship planned for 2022. Now, the popular tipster Digital Chat Station has shared the renders and the key specifications of the upcoming OnePlus 10T on the Chinese micro-blogging site – Weibo.
The leaked design renders suggest that the OnePlus 10T will come in three colour options – White, Black, and Mint Green. Apart from design renders, DCS has also shared some of the key specifications of the upcoming OnePlus 10T. Let us take a closer look at the OnePlus 10T design renders and specifications.
OnePlus 10T Design Renders and Colour Options!
The leaked renders suggest that the upcoming OnePlus flagship will look quite similar to the recently launched Oppo Reno 8 Pro+. The front panel of the device will come with a bezel-less display and a centered punch hole notch. The handset will come in three colour options including a Mint Green colour variant.