OnePlus is reportedly gearing up to launch a new flagship device, the OnePlus 8T. We have already come across a series of leaks and rumours about the upcoming smartphone. The phone comes with codename as ‘Kebab’ and might come with flagship features like 120Hz refresh rate, Qualcomm Snapdragon 865+ processor and more. Now, some renders and key specifications of the upcoming smartphone have appeared online, which gives a fair hint about the upcoming design of the OnePlus 8T.
OnePlus 8T design
The renders and specs were posted by Pricebaba in association with tipster OnLeaks. The renders are based on internal schematics and reveal that the phone will come with L-shaped quad-camera setup at the back panel. The panel is curved and LED flash is located within the module. The front panel comes with a punch-hole design at the top-left corner of the screen. The slider button and power on/off button is at the right side. The left panel features volume controls and the base comes with USB Type-C port along with speaker grille.