Oppo has sent invites to the media for the India launch event of the F11 Pro. The media invite reveals that the smartphone will launch on 5th March at an event in Mumbai. Oppo has also listed the launch date of the F11 Pro on its Indian website. So far, the brand has revealed a few key specifications of the upcoming smartphone on its official Indian product page. However, the detailed specifications are still unknown as the smartphone has not launched anywhere else in the world. Yes, the F11 Pro will make its first appearance in India. Let us have a look at the key features that Oppo has revealed, expected hardware specifications, and expected price.
Oppo F11 Pro Expected Specifications
Courtesy of the teasers, we know that the F11 Pro will have a 48MP + 5MP dual-camera at the back, pop-out camera at the front, a truly bezel-less and completely notch-less display, a glass back with 3D gradient colors, and VOOC 3.0 Superfast Charging. From the images of the F11 Pro that Oppo has posted on its website, we can also see that the smartphone has a rear-mounted fingerprint scanner.