Realme the smartphone brand is all set to launch the Narzo 30A, Narzo 30 Pro 5G and the Realme Buds Air 2 on February 24, 2021. The company has also sent out media invites for tomorrow’s launch event. Meanwhile, Realme has also confirmed that it is planning to launch Realme Motion Activated Night Light, Realme Mobile Game Controller, Realme Cooling Back Clip and Realme Mobile Game Finger Sleeves alongside the launch of the Narzo 30 series in India. Here’s a closer look at the upcoming gaming accessories.
Realme Game Pro-Kit
The event page of the Motion Activated Night Light is already live along with a promotional poster. Now the company has released the promotional poster of the gaming accessories on its official Twitter handle. As per the tweet, the latest information supports the previous piece of information shared by tipster Ishan Agarwal. Further, the tweet claims the three new gaming accessories are going to be part of the Realme Game Pro-Kit. Besides this, there is no information available about gaming accessories.