Samsung is reportedly in the works to launch a new entry-level smartphone, dubbed the Samsung Galaxy M02. So far, the Samsung Galaxy M02 smartphone has been spotted on the Bluetooth SIG certification, Wi-Fi Alliance certification, and NEMKO AS certification websites. Today, we spotted the Samsung Galaxy M02 on the Geekbench database website, which gives us a working clue as to what some of its key specifications would be. Take a look at the Geekbench scores of the Samsung Galaxy M02 and find out what the device has in store for us.
Samsung Galaxy M02 visits Geekbench ahead of launch
As seen in the Geekbench database image, the Samsung Galaxy M02 (with the model number Samsung SM-M025F) managed to pull off 128 in the single-core test and 486 in the multi-core test. Readers must be made aware that the Geekbench V5 has been used for this benchmarking.