Tecno Phantom X is all set to launch this week in India. After teasing it for a while, the company has confirmed that it will launch its flagship device, Tecno Phantom X on April 29 in the country. The event page on Amazon confirms that the device will be available via the e-commerce platform. Tecno has now confirmed on its social media handles that the device will launch in India after three days i.e. on April 29.
It’s Premium, It’s Cool!!⭐
Savor the sheer look of the industry's best Flexible Curved AMOLED Display, #TECNOPhantomX is coming soon.
Get Notified: https://t.co/Tl6cLgFAu2#BeBoldBeExtraordinary #TECNO #TECNOMobile #StopAtNothing #TECNOPhantomX pic.twitter.com/1Nf2kSANlq
— TECNO Mobile India (@TecnoMobileInd) April 26, 2022
The Tecno Phantom X comes with a curved OLED display, a MediaTek Helio G95 processor, a 50MP rear camera, a 48MP dual selfie camera, a 4700mAh battery with 33W fast charging, and more. Here’s everything you need to know about the Tecno Phantom X launch in India.