A few days ago, Amazon India created a teaser page for the Vivo U10 smartphone, confirming that the handset will launch in the Indian market on 24th September. While it is still a day to go for the official launch, Amazon India has updated the Vivo U10’s teaser page with a few key specifications of the smartphone.
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Vivo U10 Official Specifications
Let’s start with the feature that Vivo is highlighting the most for the U10. And that’s the U10’s massive, 5000mAh battery. According to the brand, the device can offer 12 hours video playback, 15 hours of Facebook browsing, and 7 hours of continuous PUBG playback on a single charge. In addition to the large battery pack, the U10 also features 18W fast charging. In a recent interview, Vivo’s executives revealed that the U-series smartphones might ship with fast chargers in the box. Hence, there is a high possibility that upcoming, Vivo U10 will come bundled with an 18W charger.
According to the teaser page, the Vivo U10 will feature a 6.35-inch display with HD+ resolution. The brand, however, hasn’t revealed the display type. If it were an AMOLED unit, Vivo would’ve definitely bragged about it. Considering that the brand isn’t highlighting the display section, it is obvious that the Vivo U10 has an IPS LCD. What we can see from the images of the smartphone on the teaser page is that the display has a V-shaped notch at the top.
The teaser page reveals that the Vivo U10 packs the Qualcomm Snapdragon 665 SoC. This chipset is a slightly advanced variant of the Snapdragon 660. The Snapdragon 665 has an eight Kryo 260 CPU cores and Adreno 610 GPU. According to the page, the Vivo U10 will come with up to 4GB RAM indicating that there will be variants with lesser RAM capacity. There is, however, no mention of internal storage anywhere on the page.
Coming to the imaging, the poster reveals that the Vivo U10 will have 13MP + 8MP + 2MP triple camera at the rear. The 13MP sensor is the primary camera, and the 8MP sensor is an ultrawide camera. The 2MP camera is a mere depth-sensor. You can expect the rear camera to have 4K video recording. Vivo, however, hasn’t mentioned anything regarding the front-facing camera of the U10 on the poster; it will most probably be a 16MP sensor that we’ve seen in other Vivo devices.
What About the Price?
The Vivo U10’s poster on Amazon asks people to ‘guess the price.’ And this indicates that Vivo is planning to price the device aggressively. Going by the specifications, the Vivo U10 should be priced between INR 10,000 and INR 13,000, for the base variant of course. Well, you don’t have to wait too long to know the official price as the device is scheduled to launch tomorrow.