Samsung is testing its Galaxy A16 5G, which will succeed the Galaxy A15 5G, launched in December last year. We’ve already discussed one version of the Galaxy A16 5G spotted on Geekbench. Now, the MySmartPrice team has identified the Asian/African variant of the device on the same database. Here’s the complete scoop.
Samsung Galaxy A16 5G Asian Variant on Geekbench Database
The listing on the Geekbench database confirms its model number SM-A166E, where the E represents Asia or Africa. It scored 967 in a single-core test and 1,971 in a multi-core test. The listing also confirms the presence of the Exynos 1330 5G chipset.
Interestingly, the earlier variant we spotted had the SM-A166P model number and featured a MediaTek Dimensity 6300 chipset. This Dimensity variant scored 514 in the single-core test and 1,464 in the multi-core test, which is notably lower than its Exynos counterpart.
Furthermore, we hope the upcoming Galaxy A16 5G will have multiple storage variants. The device we earlier spotted had 6GB of RAM, whereas the Asian variant has 4GB of RAM.
Samsung Galaxy A16 5G on Other Certification Websites
The Samsung Galaxy A16 5G has made multiple appearances before its official launch. The device has been spotted on the UK Carrier database and the IMEI certification website. Interestingly, the UK listing suggests that Samsung is also developing a 4G variant.
While Samsung remains tight-lipped about the Galaxy A16 5G, these certifications indicate an imminent release. We expect to learn more details soon. So stay tuned for updates.