Xiaomi is all set to launch a few devices in a global launch event on October 4. The company is expected to launch the Xiaomi 12T series and the Redmi Pad in the upcoming event. The upcoming Redmi Pad, ahead of its launch, has now been spotted on the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) website. The Bluetooth SIG listing for the Redmi Pad reveals the model number of the product, which is 22081283G.
Apart from it, the listing also reveals that the upcoming Redmi Pad will boot MIUI 13+ out of the box. Let us take a closer look at the Redmi Pad Bluetooth SIG listing and its specifications.
Redmi Pad Will Boot MIUI 13 Out of the Box
The Redmi Pad with model number 22081283G made an appearance on the Bluetooth SIG database. The last letter G in the model number confirms that it is the global variant of the Redmi Pad that has received Bluetooth SIG certification. The listing further reveals that Redmi’s first tablet will make use of Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity.