Xiaomi’s Redmi recently launched the Redmi Pad Pro and the Redmi Pad Pro 5G tablets. The brand appears to be preparing to introduce a new tablet – the Redmi 24076RP19G. We have spotted the upcoming Redmi 24076RP19G on Singapore’s IMDA (Infocomm Media Development Authority) certification database. Take a look at the details.
Redmi Pad SE 8.7 IMDA Listing
The upcoming Redmi tablet has acquired IMDA certification. It reveals the model number 24076RP19G. This is the global variant of the device. The listing doesn’t reveal anything else about the upcoming tablet. However, the string 2407 in its model number suggests it might debut next month, i.e., July 2024.
A recent report by GizmoChina claimed that a new Redmi tablet with the model numbers 24076RP19G (global variant) and 24076RP19I (Indian variant) will soon debut as Redmi Pad SE 8.7 and it will probably have an 8.7-inch screen. Xiaomi might be planning to launch last year’s Redmi Pad SE with a smaller footprint.
Redmi Pad SE: Specs
For those unaware, the Redmi Pad SE features an 11-inch LCD screen with a 90Hz refresh rate and 400nits peak brightness. It is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 680 processor and up to 8GB of RAM. The tablet features an 8MP rear camera and a 5MP front camera.
The Redmi Pad SE comes equipped with an 8,000mAh battery and 10W charging support. It has a USB Type-C port for charging and weighs 478 grams. The tablet packs a quad-speaker setup with Dolby Atmos audio.