Kodak has announced its partnership with Amazon India. Besides, Kodak HD LED TVs have come up with several offers for its customers during the IPL season. The offer is available on CA PRO and Kodak Matrix QLED Series and the sale will start on April 6th and will last until April 10th, 2023. Notably, the price of the televisions of the company starts from Rs 6,499. However, the company said that the sale is available on 32HDX7XPROBL, 43UHDX7XPROBL, 50UHDX7XPROB, and 55MT5022 models. These models are bezeless and will be available at the price of Rs 9,499, which is close to the price of 32HDX7XPRO.
In addition, the company said that Kodak QLED televisions are available in three sizes 50 inches, 55 inches, and 65 inches, where the price starts from Rs 31,999. These televisions come up with 2GB RAM, 16GB of internal storage, a QLED 4K display along with 1.1 billion colors, DTS TruSurround sound, Dolby Vision, Dolby Atmos, and HDR 10+. The company has also introduced OLED technology in Google TV. Besides, the company claims that it is the first in the country, which launches QLED TVs with Google TV.
It is worth noting that these televisions also come with upgraded features like a personalized home screen for each user, voice control for smart home devices, and support for child user, along with multiple adult profiles. Meanwhile, Avneet Singh Marwah, Director, and CEO of Super Plastronics Pvt Ltd, a Kodak brand Licensee said that partnership with Amazon India for Feb TV Fest will offer never-seen-before deals to our customers as IPL seasons bring cheer for all cricket fans in the country. Plus, customers can order televisions from Amazon India. But still, if you are looking for a list of all smart TVs, where offers are available, then here is the list. Furthermore, you can visit the Amazon website to check the benefits or offers on Kodak TVs.
Also Read: Best Kodak TV With LED (Apr 2023)
Kodak HD LED TVs Models Available On Sale
Models | Event Price |
24HDX1 00s | Rs 6,499 |
32HDX7XPRO | Rs 9, 499 |
32HDX7XPROBL | Rs 9,499 |
32HDX900S | Rs 7,499 |
40FHDX7X PRO | Rs 14,999 |
42FHDX7X PRO | Rs 15,999 |
43CA2022 | Rs 20,999 |
43CAPR05022 | Rs 22,999 |
43FHDX7X PROBL | Rs 16,999 |
43UHDX7XPRO | Rs 19,999 |
43UHDX7XPROBL | Rs 19,999 |
50CA7077 | Rs 27,999 |
50CAPR05066 | Rs 29,999 |
50MT5011 | Rs 31,999 |
50UHDX7XPRO | Rs 24,999 |
50UHDX7XPROBL | Rs 24,999 |
55CA0909 | Rs 29,999 |
55CAPR05088 | Rs 29,999 |
55MT5022 | Rs 37,999 |
55UHDX7XPRO | Rs 28,999 |
55UHDX7XPROBL | Rs 29,499 |
65CA0101 | Rs 47,999 |
65MT5033 | Rs 56,999 |
75CA9099 | Rs 84,999 |
Also Read: Kodak Matrix QLED TV Review: Sets Benchmark for Mid-Range Smart TVs