BGMI Parental Control: What is it and How to Set?

Shubham Dutt

BGMI returned to India with a player time limit where adults(18+) can play for 6 hours.

However, if you are a parent of an underage child and want to limit your child's playtime, there's a new feature for you.

The BGMI parental control feature allows parents to control their child’s gaming hours.

The feature has multiple customisations, OTP confirmations, time limitations, and initiatives like Game Responsibly.

To set up BGMI Parental Control, open BGMI app and tap on Settings in the bottom right corner.

Now scroll down and click on Others in the right menu bar. There will be an option called Gameplay Management Window.

Tap on Yes and enter your parent's phone number. Verify the code and it will be set.