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Price List of Kelvinator Water Purifiers (Apr 2024)

Water Purifiers Price
Kelvinator Ayoni 9L UF Water Purifier Rs. 8,300
Kelvinator Ayoni 9 Litres RO Water Purifier Rs. 9,500
Kelvinator Quanta 7 Stage RO + Microsheild 7.5L Water Purifier Rs. 11,500
To buy a water purifier, you don't need to scout from one shop to another, and instead, you could just be making the purchase online. There are online shopping websites like Amazon and Flipkart, which have Kelvinator water purifiers with the best prices available. These products are also available with various offers and deals making them an ideal buy. With online shopping, you can also avail ease of home delivery along with installation from the company. When buying your water purifier, make sure you check the warranty on the product which is important in all electronic appliances. There are also several user reviews available on the online shopping websites that help you compare and make the best possible buying decision to suit your home requirements.
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Notes / Disclaimer
  • Prices mentioned above are the best (least) price available for each item across all stores. To get prices across all stores please select (click) a given Mobile.
  • Prices may vary from store to store and from place to place based on different tax rates.
  • Prices shown above are with bill and warranty.
  • In case of any issues or discrepancy please contact us.
  • This page was last updated on 29th April, 2024.