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Price List of Mitashi Air Conditioners (Apr 2024)

Air Conditioners Price
Mitashi MiSAC15INv20 1.5 Ton Inverter Split Air Conditioner Rs. 23,999
Mitashi SAC3S18K100 1.5 Ton 3 Star Split Air Conditioner Rs. 24,990
Mitashi FSA318K50 1.5 Ton 3 Star Split Air Conditioner Rs. 28,999
Mitashi INA312K50 1 Ton 3 Star Inverter Split Air Conditioner Rs. 26,499
Mitashi FSA218K50 1.5 Ton 2 Star Split Air Conditioner Rs. 26,999
Mitashi FSA312K50 1 Ton 3 Star Split Air Conditioner Rs. 21,999
Mitashi INA318K50 1.5 Ton 3 Star Split Air Conditioner Rs. 31,999
Mitashi MiSAC103v05 1 Ton 3 Star Split Air Conditioner Rs. 20,990
Mitashi MiSAC203v10 2 Ton 3 Star Split Air Conditioner Rs. 38,990
Mitashi air conditioners purify the air from outside and give you fresh air to breathe and feel. They are available on online shopping portals like Amazon, Flipkart, Shopclues, Ebay, etc., at different prices. At MySmartPrice, you will get to know all the prices at one place and other information like specifications, reviews, etc., regarding the product. Browse through different products and make sure you purchase the best product for the lowest price available online. For this purpose, make use of our price aggregator tool that serves the purpose and helps you to locate a store that offers the best deal. Also, do not forget to check the discounts and offers available on various portals.
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Notes / Disclaimer
  • Prices mentioned above are the best (least) price available for each item across all stores. To get prices across all stores please select (click) a given Mobile.
  • Prices may vary from store to store and from place to place based on different tax rates.
  • Prices shown above are with bill and warranty.
  • In case of any issues or discrepancy please contact us.
  • This page was last updated on 29th April, 2024.