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Price List of V-Guard Fans (Apr 2024)

Fans Price
V-Guard Esfera 3 Blade (400mm) Wall Fan Rs. 3,099
V-Guard Esfera 3 Blade (1200mm) Ceiling Fan Rs. 1,575
V-Guard Finesta STS 3 Blade (400mm) Pedestal Fan Rs. 3,150
V-Guard Gatimaan 3 Blade (400mm) Pedestal Fan Rs. 3,600
V-Guard Finesta Remote 3 Blade (400mm) Pedestal Fan Rs. 3,349
V-Guard Finesta RW 3 Blade (400mm) Wall Fan Rs. 3,700
V-Guard Esfera 3 Blade(400mm) Pedestal Fan(with Remote) Rs. 3,569
V-Guard Superflow HSW 3 Blade (400mm) Wall Fan Rs. 2,751
V-Guard Gatimaan 3 Blade (1200mm) Ceiling Fan Rs. 2,300
V-Guard Tidalair 5 Blade (200mm) Exhaust Fan Rs. 1,150
There are so many types of fans in the market that choosing one blindly is not a good idea. You have to compare the different models to determine the best. Moving from one store to another just to compare the various types of fans is a waste of time. Better do so on one of the several popular online shopping sites such as Amazon and Flipkart. You will find a wide array of V-Guard fans on these sites. Buy at the lowest price by making a price comparison on mysmartprice.
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Notes / Disclaimer
  • Prices mentioned above are the best (least) price available for each item across all stores. To get prices across all stores please select (click) a given Mobile.
  • Prices may vary from store to store and from place to place based on different tax rates.
  • Prices shown above are with bill and warranty.
  • In case of any issues or discrepancy please contact us.
  • This page was last updated on 30th April, 2024.