Geekbench 6 has been officially launched. The popular benchmark tool has received a new update, which is claimed to be suitable for modern-day devices. Primate Labs, the brains behind Geekbench, stated that the developers updated the tool to its latest version as phones and computers are getting faster, which is making previous methods of measuring improvements out of date.
The new update also makes the app heavier with new, bigger photos, files, etc. for testing devices. The new version also includes updated CPU workloads and new Compute workloads that model real-world tasks and applications. Let's take a look at the new Geekbench 6 and what it has to offer.
Geekbench 6 Announced
Geekbench 6 has been officially announced as a new, updated benchmark tool for modern-day smartphones and laptops available worldwide. The company stated that the new update measures the device processor’s single-core and multi-core power, for everyday tasks, such as email, taking a picture to play music, or all of it at once. The updated version of Geekbench's CPU benchmark measures performance in new application areas including Augmented Reality (AR) and Machine Learning (ML).
In addition to this, the new version of Geekbench also tests the system's potential for gaming, image processing, or video editing with the Compute Benchmark. It adds support for Vulkan, which is the next-generation cross-platform graphics and compute API.
Geekbench 6 is claimed to be a lot more practical than the previous versions. It focuses on everyday scenarios and datasets to measure performance. Each test is based on tasks found in popular real-world apps and uses realistic data sets, ensuring that the results are relevant and applicable.
Moreover, the app is designed to work with cross-platform devices, operating systems and processing architectures. The app continues to support iOS, Android, macOS, Windows and Linux.
The app is also free to download for non-commercial use and will be available on various App Stores in the coming days.