Xiaomi recently rolled out a new MIUI 13 update for the Redmi Note 10 Pro and the Redmi Note 10 Pro Max users in India. Soon after updating the devices, several users started complaining that they are unable to use the camera on their Redmi Note 10 Pro and Redmi Note 10 Pro Max. Now, Xiaomi India team has acknowledged the issue which users have been reporting for the last few days.
In response, Xiaomi India has also decided to offer repairs at no additional cost for the affected units. Xiaomi India took it to Twitter to share the information, take a look at the tweets below,
Our service teams will provide comprehensive technical support and repairs at no additional cost.
We regret any inconvenience caused to our users. We are committed to delivering a user-centric experience that exceed our user's expectations. (2/2)
— Redmi India Support (@RedmiSupportIN) September 12, 2022
Xiaomi says that it is aware of the camera issue that the Redmi Note 10 Pro and the Redmi Note 10 Pro Max users have been facing after updating the devices. The company further revealed that the affected users can visit an authorized service center to get their devices repaired. Xiaomi says that comprehensive technical support will be provided for affected units without any additional costs. To those unaware, the company has a network of over 2000 service centers in the country as of now, to get a list of the nearest service centers, you can head over to this link.