Samsung is said to launch the Galaxy Tab S7 and the Galaxy Tab S7+ at the Galaxy Note20 launch event. Both the upcoming tablets from Samsung have been leaked multiple times so far. The Galaxy Tab S7+ was spotted on Bluetooth SIG and Geekbench platforms, whereas, the Tab S7 has been spotted on 3C recently. Now, the Galaxy Tab S7 has made its way to Geekbench and the listing of the tablet on the benchmarking platform reveals its key specifications. Let us have a look.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 listed on Geekbench
The Geekbench listing that we have come across is for the SM-T870, which, we know from the recent leaks, is the Galaxy Tab S7.
The listing of the Galaxy Tab S7 on Geekbench reveals that it has an 8-core Qualcomm processor with 1.8GHz frequency and ‘Kona’ motherboard. As you might know, Kona motherboard is usually associated with Snapdragon 865 SoC, which suggests that the Galaxy Tab S7 will have Snapdragon 865 SoC. The Geekbench listing even reveals that the tablet will come with 6GB of RAM and Android 10 operating system. The Galaxy Tab S7 has scored 4,509 points in the single-core test and 12,945 points in the multi-core test.