As part of its Hotstar Specials, Disney+ Hotstar will soon launch its first Malayalam web series, titled “Kerala Crime Files – Shiju, Parayil Veedu, Neendakara”. The program features criminal stories using Kerala as the setting in an effort to offer viewers a novel viewing experience.
The teaser of Disney + Hotstar’s first Malayalam series ‘Kerala Crime Files- Shiju Parayil Veedu’ has been released. The story of the series is prepared in the style of Malayalam’s leading actor thriller. Apart from Malayalam, the series is also in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Kannada, Bengali, and Marathi languages.
Producers of the show have claimed that as the first Malayalam-language original web series produced by Disney + Hotstar, Kerala Crime Files was created with little regard for cost or production quality. Rahul Riji Nair, producer of the show stated that Kerala Crime Files’ production and storytelling are on par with other Indian web series, despite the fact that the story is set in Kerala.
When and Where to Watch Kerala Crime Files Shiju, Parayil Veedu, Neendakara
The streaming giant Disney+ Hotstar has announced that it will soon be launching Kerala Crime Files Shiju, Parayil Veedu, and Neendakara on its platform, but didn’t give the date on which it will be released. The Hotstar Special show will be released in multiple languages and viewers need to have a subscription to the streaming service to watch the upcoming show.
A Crime that had everyone shook from the core, an investigation that will have you hooked. #HotstarSpecials #KeralaCrimeFiles – Shiju Parayil Veedu, Needakara. #ComingSoon. Also streaming in Hindi.
— Disney+ Hotstar (@DisneyPlusHS) May 15, 2023
Official Trailer and Plot
The show is a detective-oriented police drama that follows an investigation into a horrifying murder that took place at the Grand Tourist Home Hotel. The two main actors that portray the investigative officials are Aju Varghese and Lal. The majority of the characters are police officers, although some other well-known performers also appear in supporting roles. The film features about 70 actors. The series will have a total of six episodes.
The principal parts in the “Kerala Crime Files Shiju, Parayil Veedu, Neendakara” Disney+ Hotstar Specials will be played by actors Lal and Aju Varghese. Rahul Riji Nair, under the banner First Print Studios, produced the show, which is directed by Ahammed Khabeer. Ashiq Aimar is the series’ writer, and Jithin Stanislaus is responsible for the show’s cinematography. Mahesh Bhuvanend did the editing, and Hesham Abdul Wahab composed the music.
The first Malayalam Web series has generated quite a buzz among the audience. The trailer was released just 17 hours ago and was viewed by 94,545 people and showing the hype of the show.
So, watch out for this space for more such updates, and do tell us what you feel about the news.