Samsung is working towards the launch of the Galaxy Watch 4. The company is expected to launch the Galaxy Watch 4 on August 11, as per the latest leak. The renders of this upcoming smartwatch were leaked recently courtesy of 91Mobiles. Additionally, we at MySmartPrice spotted the Galaxy Watch 4 FCC certification listing a few weeks back. Now, in a recent development, the support page of the Galaxy Watch 4 has gone live on Samsung’s official Russia website ahead of launch. Apart from the Samsung’s Russia website, Samsung’s India and Caribbean website has also made the Galaxy Watch 4 support page live. The preliminary listing of the support page on Samsung’s website does suggest us that the launch of the Galaxy Watch 4 is imminent. Let’s check more details on this ahead:
Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 Launch Seems Imminent
If we go by the support page listing of the Galaxy Watch 4, we can see that the smartwatch is listed on Samsung’s India, Russia website with model numbers as the SM-R890 and SM-R880. These upcoming smartwatches are tipped to launch in two sizes: 42mm and 46mm, as per the earlier leaks. According to a preliminary FCC listing, the Galaxy Watch 4 will offer Bluetooth, NFC, 2.4GHz/ 5GHz Wi-Fi, and various LTE Bands support. The Galaxy Watch 4 is said to launch in black, silver, dark green, and rose gold colour options.
Other features of the Galaxy Watch 4 are said to include 5ATM water resistance, Gorilla Glass DX+ protection, and MIL-STD 810G durability. Both the upcoming smartwatch model are tipped to run Android instead of TizenOS. As per the Safety Korea certification listing, the Galaxy Watch 4 might ship with a 240mAh battery capacity. The latest leak suggests us that this upcoming smartwatch will incorporate a BIA (bioelectrical impedance analysis) sensor. Now, that the Galaxy Watch 4 has already cleared the required 3C, Safety Korea, FCC certification, and its support pages are being listed online, Samsung might announce the Galaxy Watch 4 in the upcoming few weeks.
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