Google is gearing up for the Pixel 6 series launch. The flagship Google smartphone series will debut on October 19 in the US. There is no word on the Pixel 6 series launch in India at the moment. Google has so far confirmed the availability of its devices in eight countries, and India is not a part of that list. The company has also confirmed some other details of the Pixel phones. They will be the first set of Google smartphones to feature the company-developed Tensor chip. Ahead of the launch, the vanilla Pixel 6 is listed on Geekbench, revealing some key details.
Google Pixel 6 Geekbench
The Google Pixel 6 has visited Geekbench, confirming some key performance details of the device. It will launch in the US on October 19. We already know that the Google flagship smartphones launching later this month will feature a Tensor chip. The Geekbench listing reveals the benchmark scores of the Pixel phones. It scored 1027 and 2706 in Geekbench 5’s single-core and multi-core tests. The listing further reveals that the performance unit will include a Mali G78 GPU under the hood.