Google recently launched two new flagship smartphones. The Pixel 7 series was launched in India and some other markets with upgraded specs and a tweaked design. In 2023, Google is likely to launch the Pixel 7a as its affordable premium smartphone. The Pixel 7a will sit at the bottom of the lineup and launch as a successor to the Pixel 6a. The company might unveil its new Pixel smartphone at the Google I/O 2023. We are still many months away from the official launch of the Pixel 7a and even before Google confirms any details, a new report has leaked the design renders of the affordable Pixel phone.
A SmartPrix report, citing tipster OnLeaks, has uploaded the design renders of the Google Pixel 7a. Based on the leaked design renders, it is safe to say that the Google Pixel 7a will get some incremental design changes. Let’s take a look at the Google Pixel 7a specifications, design renders and other details known so far.
Google Pixel 7a: What It Could Look Like
The Google Pixel 7a is likely to launch as a new premium smartphone in India and other markets as a successor to the Pixel 6a 5G. The smartphone is likely to get incremental design changes. The rear panel continues to sport a horizontal visor-like strip for the dual-camera setup. The LED flash module is also placed on the rectangular strip. There is the Google logo right in the centre of the rear panel.
On the front, the bezels are considerably noticeable for a 2023 phone. There will be a hole-punch cutout at the top centre for the front camera. The report revealed that the Pixel 7a will measure 152.4 x 72.9 x 9.0mm. In comparison, the Pixel 6a measures 152.2 x 71.8 x 8.9 mm.
The design renders further reveal that the Pixel 7a’s power and volume buttons are on the right side, whereas the SIM tray is on the left. At the bottom edge lies the USB Type-C port, next to which is a speaker grille.
Leaked details suggest that the Pixel 7a will feature a Sony IMX787 sensor along with a Sony IMX712 camera sensor for wide and ultrawide shooting. In addition to these details, it was previously also tipped that the Pixel 7a will get support for 5W wireless charging. While the wireless charging support is not the fastest, it is certainly better than not having one.
Google is also likely to feature the Tensor G2 SoC and a 90Hz refresh rate AMOLED display with a Full HD+ resolution. Despite the upgrades, the Pixel 7a is said to be priced similarly to the 6a 5G. This means that the Pixel 7a could launch in the US for $449. The Pixel 6a was launched in India for Rs 43,900 but is currently available for around Rs 32,000 on Flipkart.