OnePlus is gearing up for the OnePlus Nord CE 5G launch event. The company will also launch a new smart TV range at the launch event on June 10. OnePlus has officially confirmed the U1S TV for India. The company has started teasing some of the key features of its upcoming smart TV in India. Design renders of the upcoming OnePlus TV have leaked days before the launch. Tipster Ishan Agarwal and PriceBaba have leaked the OnePlus TV design renders. These render images are also accompanied by a new NFC remote. Let’s take a closer look at the upcoming OnePlus TV U1S design renders, specifications, and other details.
OnePlus TV U1S design renders leaked
OnePlus TV U1S design renders have leaked online. The upcoming smart TV will launch on June 10 in India alongside the Nord CE 5G. Ahead of the launch, PriceBaba and Ishan Agarwal have leaked the design renders of the upcoming OnePlus smart TV.