Samsung is planning to launch a new smartphone known as Galaxy M12. The phone was recently spotted on the Indian BIS certification website, which hinted at an imminent launch of the device in India. Today, we spotted the smartphone on the Geekbench website, which reveals some of its key specifications. Take a look at the Geekbench listing of the Samsung Galaxy M12 smartphone and find out what it has in store for us.
Samsung Galaxy M12 visits Geekbench ahead of launch
As seen in the Geekbench database image, the Samsung Galaxy M12 (with the model number SM-M127F) has scored 178 points in the single-core test and 1,025 points in the multi-core test. The Geekbench listing also sheds some light on the specifications of the upcoming smartphone. As per the listing, the phone will come loaded with an octa-core Exynos 850 processor. The phone will feature 3GB of RAM. We can, however, expect the device to launch in more RAM variants as well.