Realme recently launched the C35 in India as its new budget smartphone. The device comes with a Unisoc processor and a 50MP triple-camera setup. The company is now gearing up to launch another smartphone under the Realme C-series. The next smartphone that could debut from Realme’s stable is the Realme C31. There is currently no word on the official launch date. Meanwhile, design renders and specifications of the upcoming Realme smartphone have leaked.
A new report by Appuals has revealed the design of the budget smartphone from Realme. The C31 will come with a triple-camera setup on the back. Let’s take a look at the Realme C31 specifications, design, features and other details.
Realme C31 Design, Specifications Leaked
Realme C31 will sit below the C35 following its launch in India and other markets. The phone will sport a triple-camera setup on the back. As per the leaked specs, the phone will feature a 13MP main camera, a 2MP macro camera and a 2MP black and white sensor. For selfies, the phone will come with a 5MP front camera. The rear camera will come with features like Burst, Filters, Time-lapse photo, Advanced, Panoramic Macro, Night mode, Portrait mode, HDR.