Realme entered the tablet market last year with the launch of the Realme Pad. The budget tablet was launched in India for under Rs 20,000 and came in multiple connectivity, and storage options. Realme refreshed its tablet lineup earlier this year with the launch of another budget tablet called the Pad mini. The new Android tablet from Realme is a watered-down version of the original Pad launched last year.
Realme will launch the Pad mini soon in India. MySmartPrice, along with tipster Sudhanshu, have some exclusive information about the tablet’s launch in India. Let’s take a look at more details regarding the Realme Pad mini India launch, specifications and other details.
Realme Pad Mini India Launch Imminent
Realme Pad mini will make its official debut very soon in India. MySmartPrice has spotted a listing of the tablet on the company’s India website. The spare parts page on Realme India’s website shows the option for the Pad mini. Both variants, WiFi-only and LTE options will debut in the country. Considering that the Pad mini is a trimmed-down version of the original Realme tablet, we can expect it to launch at an even more affordable price.