Top 10 Games on Steam Under Rs 1000: Crysis, GTA V, Hades, and More

Here are some of the best games of today, available for less than Rs 1000.


Gaming isn’t getting any cheaper, but what certainly helps is that digital marketplaces such as Steam tend to run some pretty good sales and offer discounts on some of the best games of today. While the PC games market is generally much more affordable than console, it can still get a bit hectic and pricey trying to keep up with the best of what the industry has to offer today.

So in case you were on the prowl to pick up some cool PC games today without them burning a hole in your pocket, then look no further.

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Top 10 games on Steam under Rs 1000

10) Crysis Remastered – Rs 599 (Rs 699)

Crysis, as a franchise, might be on ice now – but back in the day, this game single-handedly whipped up a storm and was seemingly all the rage. Youtube videos of “Can It Run Crysis?” became a certified meme before even memes were a thing, and that is just testament to how much of a technological leap this was compared to every other game from that time.

Crysis Remastered thankfully brings back the nostalgia of the original plus a number of great enhancements for players to experience the fun gameplay of Crysis in a visually stunning form. While the game is sort of light on story or interesting characters, it does offer a lot in the way of sheer technical brilliance.

9) Hollow Knight – Rs 479

Hollow Knight, on the surface, might appear to be a comfortable, relaxing and charming time – but make no mistake, the game wastes little time in getting to the point and pummeling the player right into the ground with unrelenting fury. While the game certainly is challenging, much like the best games do – it is never unfair.

Hollow Knight tells a fantastic story, but one that might not seem very apparent or obvious. At the risk of being obtuse, the game leaves the player to uncover the story for themselves – which is both very risky and also tremendously rewarding for the player.

8) Phasmophobia – Rs 439

Phasmophobia is just one of those games that sells itself without needing much of a giant marketing campaign. Simply put, the joy of playing Phasmophobia is one that players will talk to their friends and family about for days and convince them to buy a copy as well.

The game is a 4-player online co-op experience that tasks the team to hunt ghosts and collect evidence in areas that have been experiencing an unusual amount of paranormal activity. The game is also VR-compatible, adding a healthy portion of more terror to the mix.

7) Valheim – Rs 529

Valheim took off in a big right around the start of this year and has been on a roll ever since. While many counted out this survival RPG and assumed that it will die out as quickly as it hit big, they couldn’t have been more wrong.

Several updates and quality content additions later, Valheim is still going pretty strong and is one of the most challenging and rewarding survival games one can pick up today.

6) Dying Light: Enhanced Edition – Rs 899

Dying Light is just one of those games that was simply released in about the worst possible time, but over time, has developed an absolutely massive fanbase. The game was simply released in a time when players had been experiencing a bit of genre fatigue when it comes to zombie games and movies, and Dying Light was wrongly slotted into that category.

Now that time has passed, players are able to recognise the true quality of Dying Light and how exceptional a title it really is. Fantastic parkour, a great day-night cycle, and a self-aware cheeky story at the core of it all – Dying Light has plenty to offer for fans of the genre.

5) Sea of Thieves – Rs 899

Sea of Thieves is another one of those games that sells itself without needing much explanation. A pirate adventure that is online and allows players to captain their own pirate ship on the high seas and embark on quests with friends and wage war against enemies? Sign everyone up!

The game quickly developed a solid fanbase and is now one of the most popular online co-op/multiplayer experiences.

4) Undertale – Rs 369

Much like Hollow Knight, Undertale appears to be charming and sincere but soon into its first couple of levels, players will discover the truly cynical nature of the game. The game manages to catch players offguard not just once, but several times over through the course of the story.

The gameplay feels a bit rudimentary at first, but it feels extremely rewarding once players get the hang of it. Undertale is simply one of the best games of the modern era and a true modern classic.

3) GTA V: Premium Edition – Rs 976

What can be said about Grand Theft Auto V that hasn’t already been said before? Very few games have had the lasting impact and cultural significance that GTA V has had, and continues to become even bigger.

The game, at its core, is one of the most enjoyable open-world experiences that offers players a fantastic playground populated by colorful characters – not to mention an absolutely enjoyable B-movie story that just keeps getting better with each playthrough.

2) Hades – Rs 569

The recipient of multiple Game of the Year Awards, one might expect that going into Hades, it wouldn’t be as good as the people are saying. However, a little over 5 minutes into the game, it is abundantly clear that Hades isn’t just that good, it is perhaps even better.

Challenging, beautiful and absolutely exhilirating, Hades is just one of those games that players will keep coming back to regardless of how many times it drives them into the ground. Hades is an absolute must-play and an absolutely steal at this price.

1) Disco Elysium – The Final Cut – Rs 899

If you aren’t prepared to read thousands of lines of dialogue throughout a game’s runtime, then Disco Elysium might not be for you. However, if you enjoy a deeply riveting story that has a lot to say about a large number of things, then this is it. Disco Elysium is a game that creeps up on you as opposed to blinding the player with all sorts of AAA bells-and-whistles.

The game is funny, scary, and downright beautiful with the way it unfolds before the player’s eyes and it will surely be an experience they can’t shake off easily.