WhatsApp has been improving the app to cater the users with various new features over the year. Some of these newly introduced features are already available in a few popular messaging apps. Meta-owned giant has rolled out some beta updates to the app, bringing some frequently requested features. The features are available for users who have signed up for WhatsApp beta updates on Google Play Store and Apple Store. The technology giant has also fixed an issue with the iOS WhatsApp app where users couldn’t change the persons who could view their last seen status. The latest report by WaBetaInfo reveals that the beta updates bring several features, including a Document banner, Calling Shortcuts, and Pinned messages.
A Fresh Document Banner which Alerts Users About 2GB File Sharing
One of the significant disadvantages of WhatsApp was the lower file-sharing limit. The requirement for higher share limits came when media sizes started to increase. Thus, users frequently complained to WhatsApp to increase the file sharing limit. Finally, in May 2022, WhatsApp increased the file-sharing limit from 100MB to 2GB.
However, since WhatsApp didn’t advertise the upgradation, many weren’t aware of the same. So, to inform users unaware of the file sharing upgradation, WhatsApp plans to add an in-app banner in the upcoming updates. The banner would appear in the file browsing menu to inform users they can now share files up to 2GB.
It will help users to know about the increased limit and reduce the usage of its rival app for sharing files up to 2GB. The feature is currently under development and has been found on the beta app with version WhatsApp will soon enable the file size limit upgradation banner in the upcoming stable updates.
Calling Shortcut, which will Save Time
Time is essential for everyone, and WhatsApp is aware of the same. To make life easy for its users, WhatsApp is working on the ability to create calling shortcuts. Creating a shortcut is simple; one can create a calling shortcut by choosing their favorite contacts.
The Shortcut will appear on the home screen of the user. It will help them to save time instead of opening WhatsApp every single time and searching for the contact to make a call. The feature has been spotted on the WhatsApp beta version on Google Play Store.
Finally, its time for Pinned Messages
One of the most requested features apart from the file size upgradation limit was the introduction of pinned messages. Since the feature wasn’t available, most of the group admins used to add important messages in the group description.
Finally, WhatsApp is working on the message pinning feature for both chats and groups in the upcoming app updates. The COVID-19 outbreak has led many schools and universities to choose WhatsApp as a medium for conveying information. So, pinning important messages will make it easy to inform members who haven’t seen the messages before sending them.
The feature would be available for users who have updated to the latest version. The app will display a message to update the app if the recipient is using an older version of WhatsApp. Often, there are situations where important announcements aren’t ready by group members due to many messages after those critical messages.
The feature was found on WhatsApp beta with version and will be publicized in the upcoming months.
What do you think about the latest addition of features to the WhatsApp app? Please let us know your thoughts and opinions in the comments section.