Apple has finally has announced the launch of its latest range of iPhones during its Hi Speed event. The company has introduced iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max during the launch event. The brand has also introduced Apple iPhone 12 Mini and iPhone 12. The latest iPhones come with top-of-the-line specs like the latest A14 Bionic chipset, Deep Fusion, and more. This is also for the first time, Apple has introduced four new iPhone models during a launch event. Here’s everything you need to know about the latest iPhone 12 series.
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Apple iPhone 12 series pricing details
The Apple iPhone 12 Pro is priced at $999 and iPhone 12 Pro Max starts at $1,099. The latest iPhone 12 Pro will be available for pre-order from October 16th. The company has also announced the Indian pricing of the iPhone 12 Pro series. The iPhone 12 Pro price in India starts at Rs 1,19,900, while the iPhone 12 Pro Max price starts at Rs 1,29,900. The iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max will be available in 128GB, 256GB, and 512GB models. The Pro models will be available in India, South Korea, and more than a dozen other countries beginning Friday, October 30.
Apple iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro Max features
The latest iPhones come with a flat-edge design along with surgical-grade stainless steel band paired with a precision-milled matte glass back. The new iPhone 12 Pro models are available in Pacific Blue, Gold, Graphite, and Silver colour options. The Apple iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max come with a 6.1-inch and 6.7-inch Super Retina XDR display. The iPhones are loaded with Ceramic Sheild, which is similarly found in the iPhone 12 and 12 Mini. These OLED displays bring HDR video content to life, reaching 1200 nits peak brightness.
The latest iPhones are powered by the latest Apple A14 Bionic chipset, which is the first chipset build on 5nm process. The Apple iPhone 12 Pro features a 12MP ultra-wide lens, 12MP wide lens with f/1.7 feature and 12MP telephoto. The iPhone 12 Pro Max comes triple cameras with 12MP telephoto lens with a 52mn focal length with 5x optical zoom, 12MP wide lens with f/1.6 aperture, 1.7-micron pixels and 12MP ultra-wide lens new optical image stabilisation.
The new Pro models come with new LiDAR scanner that provides AR experiences and improves autofocus by 6x in low-light scenes. This combined with the power of the Neural Engine of A14 Bionic, also unlocks Night mode portraits, rendering a beautiful low-light bokeh effect.
The iPhone 12 Pro and 12 Pro Max come with Apple ProRaw feature, which combines Apple’s multi-frame image processing and computational photography with the versatility of a RAW format. One can also shoot video in HDR and Dolby Vision with latest iPhone 12 Pro series. The iPhone 12 Pro series comes with IP68 certification and comes with FaceID. Just like the iPhone 12 Mini and iPhone 12, the Pro models will not include power adapters and earphones.