iQOO is set to launch the iQOO 12 smartphone in India on December 12. Ahead of the official launch, the brand has been confirming a few details of the handset. Recently, the company confirmed that the iQOO 12 will be the first smartphone to launch in India with Android 14. Additionally, it will be the first device to debut in the country with Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoC. Now, in a recent development, iQOO India CEO has confirmed more details about the smartphone.
iQOO 12 Won’t Include Hot Apps And Games
As per the information shared by iQOO India CEO Nipun Marya, the iQOO 12 will receive three years of Android software updates and four years of security patches. Additionally, the device won’t include any hot apps and games. For those unaware, the hot apps and games serve as an access point for apps and games. When the user taps on the app or a game, he is directed to Vivo’s app store, instead of the Google Play Store. These extensions can be hidden through the settings menu though. However, as confirmed by the company now, the upcoming iQOO 12 won’t include any bloatware such as hot apps and games.