Poco is gearing up for the launch of the F3 GT in India. The company’s new smartphone under Rs 30,000 will feature a MediaTek Dimensity 1200 SoC under the hood. The Xiaomi spin-off brand is also gearing up to launch another GT-branded smartphone in India. Poco has confirmed the launch of the X3 GT. The new Poco smartphone will debut in Malaysia on July 28. The smartphone is expected to launch as a rebranded version of the Note 10 Pro 5G launched in China. Let’s take a look at the Poco X3 GT expected specs, features and other details.
Poco X3 GT launch date confirmed
Poco is gearing up to launch the X3 GT in Malaysia. The new Poco smartphone is confirmed to debut on July 28 in the country. The company has not revealed any specs or features for the time being. That being said, recent developments suggest that the device is a rebadged Redmi Note 10 Pro 5G, which was launched in China earlier this year.