Xiaomi’s Redmi unveiled the Redmi Note 9 series lineup including Redmi Note 9 4G last month in China. The company launched a slightly modified a slightly modifies quad-rear camera version of it as Redmi 9 Power in India. Now, Xiaomi is gearing up to launch it globally as Redmi 9T. We heard about Redmi 9T moniker soon after Redmi Note 9 4G China launch. Also, the smartphone recently appeared on NBTC and Indonesia Telecom hinting towards imminent launch. Now, Xiaomi Malaysia has started teasing the launch of an upcoming smartphone, which should be Redmi 9T.
Xiaomi Malaysia has not revealed the launch date or product name, but it is running a contest on social media channel in which the company is giving away 10 units of the New Redmi XX smartphone. The contest banner confirms that the rear camera setup of the upcoming Redmi smartphone will be exactly the same as the Redmi 9 Power. Also, a couple of unboxing videos of the upcoming Redmi 9T went live yesterday, but are now taken down. Though, screengrabs from those videos are still available on the web. Take a look at these images,