Back in December, the Korean tech-giant, Samsung had unveiled the Samsung Galaxy A03 smartphone. The budget-segment handset is yet to launch in the Indian market. Ahead of the launch, MySmartPrice has exclusively obtained Samsung Galaxy A03 India pricing, courtesy of noted tipster Mukul Sharma. Mukul tells us that the handset will retail in two configurations in the country – 3GB + 32GB and 4GB + 64GB.
Samsung Galaxy A03 Price in India
As mentioned above, the Galaxy A03 will retail in 3GB + 32GB and 4GB + 64GB configurations. The base variant of the handset will carry a list price of Rs 10,499. While the 4GB + 64GB variant will have a list price of Rs 11,999.
Mukul also tells us that the dealer price for the base variant of the handset will be Rs 10,193. Whereas, the dealer price for the 4GB + 64GB variant will be Rs 11,650.