Samsung recently launched the Samsung Galaxy M32 handset in India. The company might soon unveil a new 5G variant of the handset in the country. Earlier this morning, we spotted the upcoming Galaxy M32 5G on the BIS certification website. Appearance on BIS certification website means that the smartphone could launch very soon in the country. The upcoming Galaxy M32 5G will carry the model number SM-M326B/DS. This is the first time the handset has been spotted on a certification website. Let us take a look at the details,
Samsung Galaxy M32 5G Spotted on BIS Certification!
BIS certification database reveals that the upcoming Samsung Galaxy 5G will have model number SM-M326B/DS. This is the first instance when the handset has appeared on a certification website, so nothing is known about the device in terms of specifications. However, we can expect the handset to be similar to 4G variant.