Tecno, back in January this year, launched the Tecno Pova Neo smartphone in the Indian market. Now, a new report by Rootmygalaxy claims that the brand will soon introduce the 5G variant of the Tecno Pova Neo in the country. Also, folks at Rootmygalaxy spotted the Tecno Pova Neo 5G moniker on the IMEI database which supports their claim.
The report also reveals that the Pova Neo 5G will launch within the next couple of months, that is July-August in the Indian market. Alongside, the specifications of the Pova Neo 5G have been revealed in the same report. Let us take a closer look at the Pova Neo 5G specifications and features.
Tecno Pova Neo 5G Spotted on IMEI Database Ahead of Launch!
The Pova Neo 5G recently made an appearance on the IMEI database with the model number LE6J confirming its existence. As per folks at Rootmygalaxy, the Pova Neo 5G will be the successor of the Pova Neo.