Vivo, earlier today, announced the launch of a new 5G capable handset in China. The new handset is part of the company’s stylish S-series lineup and is known as the Vivo S6 5G. We have been hearing about the Vivo S6 5G for a while now and had earlier reported about the March 31 launch. What makes the Vivo S6 5G special is that this is the first 5G capable S-series handset from Vivo. As outlined in our earlier articles, the Vivo S6 5G is a good looking handset and comes with mid-range specifications and price tag.
Let us take a closer look, shall we?
Vivo S6 5G Specifications, Features
As outlined earlier, the Vivo S6 5G is a mid-range handset from Vivo’s S-series lineup. The phone is quite the looker and boasts of a glass-clad body, which adds to its overall sleekness. The display used on the Vivo S6 5G measures 6.44-inches across and happens to be a Super AMOLED panel with FHD+ resolution in the 20:0 aspect ratio. The AMOLED panel also houses an in-display fingerprint scanner. What makes the Vivo S6 5G an interesting device is the fact that it comes powered by Samsung’s mid-range Exynos 980 chipset. While this is certainly not the first non-Samsung device to use an Exynos SoC, this is certainly not something you see happen very often. Anyway, the Vivo S6 5G comes with 6GB or 8GB of LPDDR4X RAM and is available in two storage variants — 128GB and 256GB.