Airtel Xstream Fiber Broadband Lite Plan silently launched in India for Rs 219 monthly rental. The plan was launched in response to Jio’s Backup Plan worth Rs 198, launched last month with one-click speed upgrades, OTT benefits, and live TV channels. In contrast, Airtel Xstream Fiber Broadband Lite plan offers no such benefits except a free router and a fixed speed. Here are all details about the newly launched Airtel Broadband Lite plan and how it fares against Jio’s Backup Plan.
Airtel Xstream Fiber Broadband Lite Plan Launched in India: Here Are the Details
Airtel has silently launched its most affordable Xstream Fiber broadband plan in India. The new plan is Airtel Broadband Lite and is priced at Rs 219 monthly. Currently, the plan is only available as an annual subscription and offers 10Mbps speed to its users. According to the Airtel website, the plan comes with a free router. Users must pay Rs 3,101 in total to sign up for the new plan. Unfortunately, the new Airtel Broadband Lite Plan is available only in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh East, and Andhra Pradesh. Moreover, there are no OTT or live TV benefits either.
Also read: Jio Fiber Backup Broadband Plan Launched in India For Rs 198 Per Month
Airtel Xstream Fiber Broadband Lite Plan vs Jio Fiber Backup Plan
Plan | Airtel Broadband Lite Plan | Jio Fiber Backup Plan |
Rental | Rs 219 | Rs 198 |
Speed | 10Mbps | 10Mbps |
Speed Upgrade | NA | upgradable up to 100Mbps for up to 7 days |
OTT Benefits | NA | Up to 16 OTT apps sub |
Live TV | NA | 550 live TV channels |
Price | Rs 3,101 annual | Rs 1,490 (5-month service + installation) |
As you can see in the table above, the Jio Fiber Backup plan is the better of the two plans. In the case of the Airtel Broadband Lite plan, users get 10Mbps fixed speed for 12 months at Rs 219 per month, which translates to Rs 3,101 annually, including GST. On the other hand, Jio is letting users sign up for the Fiber Backup plan for Rs 1,490, which includes a 5-month subscription and installation charges.
However, Jio offers a 30Mbps or 100Mbps one-click speed upgrade for one, two, or seven days. The pricing for these speed upgrades starts from Rs 21 for 30Mbps speed for a day to Rs 152 for 100Mbps for a week. Jio is also offering entertainment upgrade plans worth Rs 100 per month and Rs 200 per month. For Rs 100 a month, users will get a free 4K set-top box, 400 live television channels, 6 OTT apps, and a YouTube subscription. And for Rs 200 a month, users will get eight additional OTT services and 550 live TV channels.
Not only that, but Jio is also offering Entertainment Bonanza Plans ranging from 10Mbps to 300Mbps with varying OTT benefits and live TV channels. If a user doesn’t want the OTT and TV benefits, there are three internet-only Jio Fiber Backup plans for Rs 198, Rs 399, and Rs 699.
Clearly, Jio is a better option with varying add-ons for its Fiber Backup plan. Granted, you must pay for the upgrades, but having these options is commendable. On the contrary, Airtel’s plan is relatively straightforward and will suit those who need basic Internet connectivity.