Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max will reportedly feature a custom button instead of the signature mute slider. A new leaked video showcasing an iPhone 15 Pro Max has surfaced online, revealing the design and dimensions of the upcoming flagship iPhone. The leak comes from the popular tipster Majin Bu, who has posted an 18-second video on his Twitter showing the protective case from all angles. The alleged iPhone 15 Pro Max case confirms several past leaks, including a new custom button, bigger lenses, and more. Let’s take a look at the new leak below.
Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max Case Leaked
iPhone 15 Pro Max Case #apple #iphone #iphone15promax
— Majin Bu (@MajinBuOfficial) June 24, 2023
The video above shows an alleged iPhone 15 Pro Max protective case from all angles. It appears to be a prototype since the camera module has no cutouts. However, we get an idea of what the upcoming Apple flagship might look like. The most notable change is that of the mute slider. Apple has retained its signature mute slider on the top left for 16 years.
However, the iPhone 15 Pro Max might mark the departure of the iconic slider. The leaked video reveals a bigger and rounder cutout for the slider. Majin Bu mentions that the cutout seems designed for the rumoured custom button that is said to replace the conventional mute slider on iPhones.
The new leak aligns with the previously leaked iPhone 15 Pro renders, which showed the rumoured “ringer button” or the “action button” in all its glory. Speculations suggest that Apple will allow users to customise the button for various tasks, similar to the Apple Watch Ultra.
The second most noticeable change is the camera module, which is visibly larger with bigger camera cutouts. It confirms the leaks that Apple might equip the iPhone 15 Pro Max with a more advanced camera system than the iPhone 14 Pro Max. According to a past leak, the 3x optical zoom telephoto camera lens will be replaced by a periscope lens offering up to 6x optical zoom. Apple is also rumoured to use a new Sony IMX903 sensor on the iPhone 15 Pro models, which has a 1/1.14-inch sensor size compared to 1/1.28 inch sensor on iPhone 14 Pro models.
We already know the iPhone 15 Pro Max will feature a 6.7-inch OLED display with ProMotion support for up to 120Hz and Apple A17 Bionic SoC. We can expect more details about the smartphone in the coming days.